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MTSS Services

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What is MTSS?


Targeted small groups and brief individual counseling

MTSS Services: Services
MTSS Services: Welcome

MTSS Services

What does that mean?

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) designates a team of administrators, teachers, special educators and school counselors to refer students for certain interventions. Researched-based instruction tells us that including a range of students in some small groups improves outcomes for everyone. This means that any student could potentially  participate in a small group, like a "lunch bunch." Being part of a small group or visiting the school counselor is a positive indication that a student is accessing adults in the school community.


Please refer to the helpful information provided on our larger school website. 

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MTSS Services: Service

Paradise Park in Windsor

MTSS Services: Welcome

Small Group and Brief Individual Counseling

Services through MTSS

Our small groups focus on SEL, or social and emotional learning,  including emotional regulation and social skill building. We deepen our exploration of classroom guidance topics and build in targeted opportunities to address identified student challenges.


Some students may be referred for short term individual counseling with a school counselor. In some cases, this intervention is sufficient to meet the student's needs, in other cases, there may be a clear benefit for continued counseling in the context of a therapeutic relationship. HCRS clinicians  are sometimes available to provide this service, in other cases a referral to one of several wonderful local clinicians are available. School counselors will consult with your private therapist with permission from the family, and sometimes this can be very helpful with giving students the support they need to be successful in school. 


Some of our most requested interventions are related to the following issues...

  • worrying/anxiety

  • impulse control and restless bodies

  • responding to feelings of anger safely and effectively

  • emotional responses that interfere with availability for learning 

  • skills for social and relational topics

  • academic self-concept



MTSS Services: About
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